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INNOVV with Exclusive Updates and Offers

Click the button below to complete a $1 prepayment and receive a $80 
discount along with a free card reader set (valued at $30)!

Original Price


Pre-order Discount



Early Bird Price



*Free Gift

Terms and Conditions 
1. Super Early Bird benefits are available from Sep. 5th to Oct. 31th, 2024. The $1 deposit is non-refundable. 
2. Pay $1 and buy RC6 with Super Early Bird Price when products are launched on INNOVV. 
3. A free card reader kit ($30.0 value) included in Super Early Bird benefits will be shipped with the product. If the main product is returned or refunded, the gift must also be returned. 
4. VIP who paid $1 can purchase up to 5 units at super early bird price, but only 1 gift (card reader kit) per ID(email). 
5. All interpretation rights are reserved by INNOVV. 
© 2024, INNOVV | RC6 With Dashcam & ThirdEYE. All rights reserved.